
16 Articles

Picnic essentials

Picnicking is a great outdoorsy activity suitable for people of all ages. It is an opportunity to get out of the house, soak up the sun and just relax. You can have a picnic just because you want to, for birthdays, with kids or without kids…it’s up to you. In order for your picnic to […]

Tips for touring Europe

If you plan on travelling soon and need some helpful tips before making your way overseas, then this is especially for you. Travelling in a foreign country can be overwhelming, even scary.Especially if you have never been to a specific country or have never crossed a border before. This blog post will give you some useful tips […]

Surfing 101

Ever wanted to learn how to surf? Here is a beginner’s guide to get you started. This blog post will include a list of items you will need… as well as some tips and tricks to get you surfing quicker than you think. Don’t be discouraged if it takes you longer than your friends or […]

Bucket list adventures

Are there certain things on your bucket list that you have been itching to do but just never get around to it? Well, now is the time to do it and we are here to help you along the way. Adrenaline rush, excitement, exhilaration, wonder, rejuvenation, relaxation… these are only some of the things you […]

How to properly pack a suitcase

Isn’t it always a pain to pack your suitcase? Dreading this is a very normal feeling to experience. But since it cannot be completely avoided, here are some tips to make packing more bearable and fun!   To start off with, grab a friend or a sibling or even a parent to keep you company […]

Road trip essentials

This guide will help you get organised and prepared for your next road trip. Whether you have a final destination in mind or if you decide to let the wind take you to new places, you will definitely have a road trip of a lifetime… You just need to be organised. As always, preparation is everything. […]